In winter: the sky and water merge, the marshes are covered with water. They are said to “whiten” and the expression Cotentin peninsula then takes on its full meaning : it is the white marsh. The marsh becomes a huge lake where we can distinguish neither vegetation nor agricultural plots: only winter birds are kings there … a breathtaking spectacle!
In spring: the meadows emerge from the flooded areas, the rivers find their beds again, plant life is reborn. In the vast meadows, the fish give way to birds, but also to cows, sheep and horses that are put out to pasture.
In summer: it is the hay mowing and at the end of the season it is the maintenance of the channels and ditches. The valleys are characterized by a color chart favored by agricultural practices offering a variety of textures.
In autumn: as soon as the first rains come, the cattle find the high country. Several tens, even hundreds of thousands of birds transit through the Nature Park to reach their winter quarters.
The numerous hiking trails will introduce you to a rich and varied biodiversity. You will be charmed to meet cows, horses, donkeys, birds and dragonflies, but you will be even more charmed when you come across storks hunting in the meadows interspersed with limes (= ditches) during the fine weather. These birds stop in the marshes during their migratory journey because these lands offer a real pantry! The Cotentin Marshes Park is a unique site to observe migratory birds. A multitude of birds nest here year-round, but the October season is the most interesting for observing the migratory species that come to winter. In the heart of the Baie des Veys, lives a colony of calf seals.